Building JBoss EJB3 from source
- Install Apache Ant 1.6.5 - Must be 1.6.5 (This dependency will either be removed or bundled transparently in the near future)
- Set Environment Variable $ANT_HOME
export ANT_HOME
- Install Subversion - Ensure "svn" is on the system's PATH (or symlinked)
- Install Apache Maven - Version 2.0.9+ (2.0.8 has non-deterministic dependency resolution)
- Ensure "mvn" is on the system's PATH (or symlinked)
- Set up ~/.m2/settings.xml to include JBoss Maven2 Repos - Instructions, Settings
- Install JDK
- Ensure "java" is on the system's PATH (or symlinked)
- Checkout JBoss EJB3 project from SVN :
svn co
or (the next one is committer access)
svn co
- Build the project :
cd trunk
mvn clean install